11 июня 2021 года на официальной странице Aergo в Medium появилась новая статья от Jae Nam о Crispy.
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CRISPY WHALES была выбрана для программы инкубационного фонда AERGO. Мы создаем онлайн-платформу Banana Clips. Благодаря поддержке AERGO. Banana Clips — это платформа, которая предоставляет пользователям возможность покупать и продавать короткие клипы. Она позволяет пользователям конвертировать модные видеоклипы в NFT и защищает их авторские права на видеоклипы через службу с помощью патентных технологий. Пользователи Banana Clips могут легко приобретать множество коротких клипов, не беспокоясь об авторских правах, могут торговать своими видеоклипами и активами NTF. С нетерпением ждем Banana Clips, новой парадигмы платформы для коротких клипов.

CRISPY the world!!
Here is CRISPY WHALES selected as the second company for the AERGO incubation fund program. We are making the online platform, Banana Clips. Thanks to AERGO’s support.
Banana Clips is a platform that provides users to buy and sell short clips. It allows users to convert trendy video clips into NFT, and protects their copyrights of video clips through the service with patent technologies. Users on Banana Clips can easily purchase a variety of short clips without any concern about copyrights, and can trade their video clips and NTF assets. Please look forward to Banana Clips, the new paradigm of the short clip platform.
2.On going Banana Clips
CRISPY WHALES is accelerating its development with the support of AERGO to open the Banana Clips service in July.
Not long before this report was written, new members with more than 10 years of experience joined us one after another to build and share the future of Banana Clips.
Among them, designer Jiwon Huh, who is leading the brand and UI/UX of our service, is with over 10 years of experience in various companies as Chief Design Officer (CDO) and has tremendous potential.

Jiwon Huh
- ex CDO of 3billion
- ex CDO of Casual Steps
- ex Design Director of Klleon
2–1. Creative

CRISP WHALES is currently working hard to develop Banana Clips. In addition to the technical part, we are putting a lot of effort into developing designs that users can directly feel.
PANTONE LLC, a global company that leads colour trends in various industries, selected Ultimate Gray and Illuminating, a yellow scale, as its 2021 colours, which contain warm and positive messages for tired humanity suffering from COVID-19.
This is Banana Clips’s primary colour, which naturally has melted the 2021 trend into our service. However, unlike other companies that use a yellow colour, we applied Baby Green, which reminds us of unripe bananas, to further clarify Banana Clips’ identity, to express the process of short clips becoming a well-cooked banana.
Banana Yellow

This colour means pure and warm affection, sincere participation and ‘ego’.
We chose Persona, who shares fun and funny things with friends and blends from morning to night and blends in harmony.
Baby Green

This colour represents young and cute likning the unique to fresh-looking baby bananas.
It contains the future of short clips that can be anything with colours that contains infinite possibilities.
Banana Clips’ colors according to basic behaviors

CRISPY WHALES is making great efforts externally as well for Banana Clips will blow a new wave in the contents business.

We have signed an MOU for a cooperative relationship between Videocon (videocon.co.kr), which is a video contest platform provided by Slate Media, and Banana Clips. Starting with this, we are preparing cooperations with various content productions and distribution channels like MOU. In addition, we completed a survey of popular works in major NFT markets and short clips’ markets and found out what they want through the main target community of video producers and editors. Based on these data, we will fill the service with various trending videos until the launch.
2–3. Tech
CRISPY WHALES is a technical partner of AERGO and is in the process of maintenance on some of the AERGO modules. There are many aspects that have not been reflected in the AERGO source repositories because technical reviews are still in progress, but new features that suit the trend will be provided one after another soon.
In addition, the technical reviews for the recently announced ARC2 has been completed, and actual use is planned for the service currently under development. This smart contract will be mainly used for video transactions through our service, but we are not forgetting to carry out various usability experiments, so we look forward to introducing other use cases soon.
Finally, all videos uploaded to our service will be uploaded to the AERGO network after various information is extracted by our internal system. Currently, we are developing a video extraction system and search platform, but a new smart contract for this will be announced and distributed in time for the service opening in July.
CRISPY WHALES is planning several marketing plans to acquire early users and various contents according to the Banana Clips launch plan to be introduced in July. In addition, we plan to take steps to launch a global service and a mobile app in business. With Banana Clips, you will always have access to videos featuring local cultures from around the world. In addition, we will actively utilize SNS channels mainly used by each generation to share information about video creating and editing and NFT, so that community participants can use the service naturally at the same time as Banana Clips is launched.
The development team of CRISPY WHALES is putting development plans for another smart contracts and layer 2 on the roadmap in addition to ARC2 to safely store NFT, trading information and copyrights data on the AERGO blockchain network. We hope to share with our community extremely thrilling news , such as a new business model to increase the use of AERGO tokens in trading, but we ask for your understanding that we are still cautious about revealing many things.
CRISPY WHALES is doing its best to meet the AERGO community as soon as possible. In the next month or so, Banana Clips will be coming to you. Thanks to everyone who waited, and we hope that you will continue to keep in watching with a little more interest.
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