The House Of Kard (HOK Hock) project is named after the American drama House Of Cards. This is a project designed to enable active political activities online in the 20th presidential election. The sale proceeds by giving back to buyers through tournament mode and voting campaign mode.
Q How does the tournament mode work?
We publish NFT works for 5 presidential candidates in real politics, and the winners of the preliminaries, finals, and finals are held based on the number of sales. We provide all buyers with a chance to win the popular referendum NFT Lotto by applying the popular referendum lottery in the last presidential election and general election. The lottery draws fairly using the blockchain, and if you own the winning candidate’s NFT, more benefits are given.
Q What NFT works are you planning to release?
We present various types of art works such as pop art, trump cards, and fantasy styles. In addition, we will provide a movie cut perk for the production process of the work. In mid-March after the finals in Tournament Mode, we plan to give out the best live-action NFT artworks through a lottery to NFT owners on the winning side.
Q Tell us about gifting, unsold NFTs, and other blockchain transfers!
The issued NFTs are recorded and stored on the Aergo blockchain and can be viewed in the history menu of CCCV NFTs. In addition, you can gift the NFT to a friend or transfer it to the Ethereum blockchain through the additional function provided by CCCV NFT. Also, all NFTs not sold are burned, so NFTs from non-winning candidates may have higher rarity.
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