Aergo: блокчейн 4-го поколения
251080 транзакций в сети Aergo за один день
Aergo v2.5.2 теперь доступен в основной сети The latest update, Aergo v2.5.2, is now live on the mainnet! This release is geared towards enhancing usability, making the mainnet experience smoother and more efficient.
$AERGO поднимается: твит от I am an Aergonaut
Samsung NFT на базе AERGO: твит DesignBlock See Samsung Members @cccv_cccv:… Epic Beginning NFTs:… Uniquely Us NFTs:… Flip & Fold NFTs #GalazyZ:… Epic Club NFTs:… $AERGO
Живые возможности AERGO (возможно, вы не знаете): твит DesignBlock 1/5 Live features of AERGO (you may not know): ⏺️Account Abstraction ⏺️Soul-bound tokens #SBT ⏺️Naming System ⏺️Aergo Agora (DAO) 2/5 Account Abstraction Long before the trend, Aergo already allows easy onboarding of users. Users need not to create a wallet to use AERGO. Aergo allows developers to «abstract» account creation and pay for the…
На каком этапе дорожной карты мы сейчас находимся с Aergo?: твит от I am an Aergonaut ⚪️ Computing Hub ⚪️ New Smart Contract Language / AI / ML support ⚪️ EVM Support ⚪️Aergo DeFi ⚪️NFT Marketplace ⚪️ @Booostofficial ⚪️ @cccv_cccv x Samsung and more.. Details:
AERGO и Artificial Intelligence: твит DesignBlock AERGO x Artificial Intelligence As revealed in Aergo 2.0 Roadmap and Whitepaper last year (Planned for release early this year): $AERGO #DePIN #web3
Вот как Gem будет работать с AERGO: твит от I am an Aergonaut This is how Gem will work with AERGO: @cccv_cccv $AERGO The L.POINT is now live on the GEM! L.POINT is a membership point that can be used at those various Lotte services and On • Offline Affiliate Stores. GEM and L.POINT are exchangeable from now on, so check the GEM.SWAP!
Что будет с AERGO?: твит DesignBlock «Aergo will shift gears to expand its focus on interoperability with public blockchain ecosystems w/ incremental support for Web3.js, Metamask Snaps, & of course, EVM.» see Github for updates: $AERGO
С Лунным Новым годом, Аэргонавты!
Генерация блоков в сети была временно остановлена на период технического обслуживания Block generation on the mainnet was temporarily halted during the maintenance period. The issue report can be located:… We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
Подробности о предыдущих выпусках обновлений: твит Aergo Official Details regarding previous releases and their objectives can be obtained from the release notes, offering the enhancements and improvements targeted in each version.
Aergo v2.5.1 успешно развернут в сети: твит Aergo Official In this release, — Improved internal status DB storage structure, — Changed the default encryption algorithm, — Added web3 API The internal state DB storage structure has recently undergone modifications, resulting in incompatibility with the previous version. To address this, please delete the existing data directory and synchronize again from scratch or execute…
Партнерство и запуск экосистемы AERGO 2023: твит DesignBlock ⚪️@fingerlabs_io #web3 ⚪️Korea Blockchain Trust Framework (K-BTF) @Blocko_io #government ⚪️@Booostofficial #SocialFi ⚪️@cccv_cccv @SamsungMobile #NFT Read more on 2023 Recap From Aergo Foundation: $AERGO
Новая функция: регистрация и воспоминания: твит от BOOOST Official Check-in, solo or with friends! Socialfi coming soon. Update the Booost app now!
AERGO 2.0 наступает: твит от DesignBlock Read the whitepaper here: ⚪️ EVM support ⚪️ Computing Hub #web3 #cloud ⚪️ Aergo DeFi ⚪️ Machine Learning #AI #dePIN
Встречаем 2024 год с энтузиазмом: твит Aergo Vibes From Alphanet testing to strategic partnerships, get ready for a year of milestones and exciting developments! 1 Aergo v2.5.0 🛠️ @aergo_io started the year with intensive testing on the Alphanet (a SQL Testnet), regarding the forthcoming 2.5.0. The Alphanet will be reset and updated depending on development status. 2 Q&A Session ❔ #AERGO released…
Какова ваша цель бычьего рынка для $AERGO: твит AergoKnights
Post Mortem — Aergo Stall, February 1st 2024: Medium статья от Aergo Official On February 1st at 13:13 KST, Aergo’s mainnet halted new block generations, which resulted in a temporary outage. The core dev team immediately responded to the issue, successfully restoring the network by applying a hotfix to address the root cause. To be clear, no funds were at risk as a result of the network halt. Cause…
Уведомление о техническом обслуживании основной сети Aero Aergo mainnet is currently undergoing maintenance to enhance security and overall stability. During this maintenance period, the mainnet will be temporarily unavailable. We expect to complete the maintenance in 4-5 hours. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.